Washington, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

          Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): May 2, 2003

                                  ASHLAND INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)

           1-2918                                   61-0122250
  (Commission File Number)                       (I.R.S. Employer
                                                 Identification No.)

  50 E. RiverCenter Boulevard, Covington, Kentucky          41012-0391
     (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

  P.O. Box 391, Covington, Kentucky                         41012-0391
         (Mailing Address)                                  (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (859) 815-3333

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits - ------ --------------------------------- (c) Exhibits 99.1 Website data concerning Ashland Distribution Company's sales per ship day 99.2 Website data concerning Ashland Distribution Company's revenue 99.3 Website data concerning Ashland Distribution Company's gross profit 99.4 Website data concerning Ashland Specialty Chemical Company's average sales per ship day 99.5 Website data concerning Ashland Specialty Chemical Company's revenue 99.6 Website data concerning Ashland Specialty Chemical Company's gross profit 99.7 Website data concerning Valvoline's premium oil sales 99.8 Website data concerning Valvoline's revenue 99.9 Website data concerning Valvoline Instant Oil Change's twelve month rolling average sales 99.10 Website data concerning APAC's twelve month average contract awards 99.11 Website data concerning APAC's lost time incident rates and OSHA recordable incident rates 99.12 Website data concerning APAC's monthly revenue and twelve month rolling average revenue Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure - ------- ------------------------ On May 2, 2003, Ashland Inc. will include the information contained in exhibits 99.1 - 99.12, and graphic images thereof, on the "Investor Relations" section of its website located at Ashland is furnishing the information pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's ("SEC") Regulation FD. The information contained in exhibits 99.1 - 99.12 is summary information concerning key metrics for Ashland's divisional operations and is intended to be considered in the context of Ashland's SEC filings and other public announcements that Ashland may make from time to time. By filing this report on Form 8-K, Ashland makes no admission as to the materiality of any information in this report. Ashland reserves the right to discontinue the availability of the data in the attached exhibits from its website at any time.

SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. ASHLAND INC. --------------------------------------- (Registrant) Date: May 2, 2003 /s/ J. Marvin Quin --------------------------------------- Name: J. Marvin Quin Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

EXHIBIT INDEX ------------- 99.1 Website data concerning Ashland Distribution Company's sales per ship day 99.2 Website data concerning Ashland Distribution Company's revenue 99.3 Website data concerning Ashland Distribution Company's gross profit 99.4 Website data concerning Ashland Specialty Chemical Company's average sales per ship day 99.5 Website data concerning Ashland Specialty Chemical Company's revenue 99.6 Website data concerning Ashland Specialty Chemical Company's gross profit 99.7 Website data concerning Valvoline's premium oil sales 99.8 Website data concerning Valvoline's revenue 99.9 Website data concerning Valvoline Instant Oil Change's twelve month rolling average sales 99.10 Website data concerning APAC's twelve month average contract awards 99.11 Website data concerning APAC's lost time incident rates and OSHA recordable incident rates 99.12 Website data concerning APAC's monthly revenue and twelve month rolling average revenue

                                                                Exhibit 99.1

    (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Ashland
                Distribution Company's sales per ship day)

                       ADC Average Sales $ per Ship Day ($, millions)

                                    2000        2001        2002         2003

                January           11.733      10.993       9.537       10.815
                February          12.813      11.712      10.084       11.538
                March             12.898      11.378      10.480       11.586
                April             13.944      11.713      10.308
                May               12.995      11.756      10.493
                June              13.209      10.630      10.642
                July              12.664      10.330       9.950
                August            12.377      10.230      10.264
                September         12.745      10.636      10.738
                October           12.163       9.845      10.390
                November          12.215       9.767      11.025
                December          11.526       8.529       9.392

                          ADC Non-Durable Manufacturing (%)

                                     2000        2001         2002        2003

                January             100.0        99.0         96.6        96.1
                February            100.6        99.1         96.8        95.9
                March               101.3        98.1         97.3        96.0
                April               101.5        98.1         97.3
                May                 101.4        97.9         97.5
                June                101.6        97.6         97.7
                July                101.1        97.5         98.2
                August              100.5        97.4         97.8
                September           100.7        97.3         97.8
                October             100.2        97.1         96.9
                November            100.0        96.4         96.7
                December             99.6        95.8         96.1

                                                             Exhibit 99.2

    (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Ashland
                      Distribution Company's revenue)

                        ADC Revenue - Monthly Sales ($, millions)

                            1999        2000       2001        2002        2003

         January             220         246        242         210         238
         February            233         269        234         202         231
         March               263         297        250         210         243
         April               254         265        234         227
         May                 240         286        280         231
         June                260         291        223         213
         July                241         253        217         219
         August              256         285        235         226
         September           253         255        202         215
         October             257         268        226         239
         November            257         244        195         209
         December            254         219        162         188

                     ADC - 12 Month Rolling Average ($, millions)

                                2000        2001        2002       2003

             January             251         265         222        218
             February            254         262         220        221
             March               257         258         216        223
             April               258         255         216
             May                 262         255         212
             June                264         249         211
             July                265         246         211
             August              268         242         210
             September           268         237         211
             October             269         234         212
             November            268         230         214
             December            265         225         216

                                                             Exhibit 99.3

    (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Ashland
                   Distribution Company's gross profit)

                ADC Gross Profit % - 3 Month Rolling Average (%)

                                  2000        2001         2002        2003

              January             15.6        16.1         16.5        16.1
              February            15.6        16.4         16.1        15.8
              March               15.5        16.5         15.9        15.6
              April               15.5        16.2         15.7
              May                 15.6        15.6         15.8
              June                15.5        15.5         15.8
              July                15.5        15.5         15.9
              August              15.4        15.7         15.9
              September           15.6        16.0         15.9
              October             15.4        16.1         15.6
              November            15.6        16.5         15.8
              December            15.6        16.5         16.0

              ADC Gross Profit % -  12 Month Rolling Average (%)

                                 2000         2001        2002        2003

              January            15.9         15.6        16.0        15.8
              February           15.9         15.7        16.0        15.8
              March              15.8         15.8        15.9        15.8
              April              15.8         15.8        15.9
              May                15.8         15.7        16.0
              June               15.7         15.8        16.0
              July               15.6         15.8        16.0
              August             15.6         15.8        16.1
              September          15.6         15.9        16.0
              October            15.5         16.0        15.9
              November           15.5         16.0        15.9
              December           15.5         16.1        15.9

                                                             Exhibit 99.4

    (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Ashland
         Specialty Chemical Company's average sales per ship day)

         ASCC Average Net Sales $ per Ship Day ($, millions)

                     2000        2001        2002         2003

 January            4.939       4.595       4.368        4.625
 February           5.091       4.919       5.188        5.535
 March              5.079       4.755       5.005        5.406
 April              5.567       4.997        5.18            0
 May                4.983         4.7       5.212            0
 June               5.071       5.474       5.579            0
 July               5.092       5.084       5.045            0
 August             4.876       4.643       5.249            0
 September           5.29       5.325       5.593            0
 October            4.937       4.895       5.163            0
 November           5.209        5.25       5.734            0
 December            5.15       4.954       5.265            0

                ASCC Durable Manufacturing Index (%)

                     2000        2001         2002        2003

January               100       101.6         93.6        96.1
February            100.9       100.5         93.8        95.4
March               101.9       100.5         93.8        94.9
April                 103        99.3         94.5
May                 104.2        98.2         95.2
June                104.7        96.9         95.8
July                104.9        96.8         96.2
August              104.3        95.7         96.7
September           105.1        94.4           96
October             104.6        93.3         95.5
November            103.9        93.2         96.2
December            102.9        92.9         94.5

                                                             Exhibit 99.5

    (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Ashland
                   Specialty Chemical Company's revenue)

                     ASCC Revenue - Net Monthly Sales ($, millions)

                                 2000        2001        2002         2003

             January             98.8       101.1        96.1        101.7
             February           106.9        98.4       103.8        110.7
             March              116.8       104.6       100.1        113.5
             April              105.8        99.9       114.0
             May                109.6       103.4       114.7
             June               111.6       114.9       111.6
             July               101.8       106.8       111.0
             August             112.1       106.8       115.5
             September          105.8       101.2       111.9
             October            108.6       112.6       118.7
             November           104.2       105.0       108.9
             December            97.8        94.1       105.3

                 ASCC - 12 Month Net Sales Rolling Average ($, millions)

                                 2000         2001        2002        2003

              January           106.1        106.8       103.7       109.8
              February          106.8        106.1       104.1       110.3
              March             107.3        105.1       103.7       111.5
              April             106.9        104.6       104.9
              May               107.5        104.1       105.8
              June              107.7        104.4       105.6
              July              107.4        104.8       105.9
              August            107.2        104.4       106.6
              September         106.9        104.0       107.5
              October           107.2        104.3       108.0
              November          107.1        104.4       108.4
              December          106.7        104.1       109.3

                                                             Exhibit 99.6

    (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Ashland
                Specialty Chemical Company's gross profit)

                  ASCC Gross Profit % - 3 Month Rolling Average (%)

                                  2000        2001         2002        2003

              January             34.2        33.3         33.7        33.1
              February            33.8        33.2         34.2        33.0
              March               33.4        33.2         35.2        32.2
              April               33.3        33.2         36.0
              May                 33.2        33.2         36.3
              June                33.0        33.1         36.1
              July                32.6        32.5         35.8
              August              32.9        32.3         35.3
              September           33.5        32.2         35.3
              October             33.6        32.7         35.0
              November            33.5        33.2         34.3
              December            32.9        33.5         33.8

                  ASCC Gross Profit % - 12 Month Rolling Average (%)

                                 2000         2001        2002        2003

              January            34.6         33.2        33.0        35.0
              February           34.3         33.2        33.2        34.7
              March              34.1         33.2        33.5        34.4
              April              34.0         33.2        33.7
              May                33.9         33.2        34.0
              June               33.7         33.2        34.3
              July               33.6         33.2        34.5
              August             33.6         33.1        34.8
              September          33.7         32.9        35.0
              October            33.5         32.9        35.1
              November           33.4         33.0        35.0
              December           33.2         33.0        35.1

                                                             Exhibit 99.7

  (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Valvoline's
                            premium oil sales)

              Premium Lubricants % Of Branded Volume (%)

                    2000        2001        2002         2003
                    ----        ----        ----         ----

January              8.5        10.9        13.0         16.8
February             8.7        11.0        13.4         17.2
March                8.9        11.0        13.9         17.4
April                9.2        10.9        14.5
May                  9.4        11.2        14.7
June                 9.6        11.4        15.0
July                10.0        11.5        15.3
August              10.3        11.6        15.6
September           10.7        11.7        16.1
October             10.6        12.1        16.3
November            10.8        12.4        16.4
December            10.8        12.6        16.6

                                                             Exhibit 99.8

  (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Valvoline's

                  Valvoline Revenue Monthly ($, millions)

                    2000        2001         2002        2003
                    ----        ----         ----        ----

January             87.7        83.5         94.0        96.5
February            95.5        78.0         86.2        93.4
March              102.8       105.1         92.4       111.0
April               82.2        82.5        107.7
May                 92.2       102.7        104.0
June                89.1        90.3         92.8
July                85.9        97.8        107.8
August             103.0       101.1        108.3
September          100.0       110.1        104.2
October             86.2        91.2        100.3
November            79.5        87.8         88.2
December            75.7        75.7         92.8

   Valvoline Revenue 12 Month Rolling Average ($, millions)

                    2000        2001        2002         2003
                    ----        ----        ----         ----
January             89.5        89.6        93.0         98.4
February            90.6        88.2        93.7         99.0
March               91.6        88.4        92.7        100.6
April               90.1        88.4        94.8
May                 90.1        89.3        94.9
June                89.4        89.4        95.1
July                88.9        90.4        95.9
August              89.5        90.2        96.5
September           89.7        91.0        96.0
October             90.1        91.5        96.8
November            90.2        92.2        96.8
December            90.0        92.2        98.2

                                                             Exhibit 99.9

   (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning Valvoline
         Instant Oil Company's twelve month rolling average sales)

                   VIOC Sames Store Sales ($, millions)

                            (2 Years and Older)

                         2000      2001      2002      2003

            January      11.9      12.6      13.3      14.2
            February     12.0      12.6      13.4      14.2
            March        12.1      12.7      13.4      14.3
            April        12.1      12.7      13.5
            May          12.2      12.7      13.6
            June         12.3      12.7      13.7
            July         12.4      12.8      13.8
            August       12.5      12.8      13.8
            September    12.5      12.9      13.9
            October      12.6      13.0      14.0
            November     12.6      13.1      14.1
            December     12.6      13.2      14.1

                                                             Exhibit 99.10

 (Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning APAC's twelve
                      month average contract awards)

         12 Month Average Construction Awards in 14 APAC States ($, millions)

                                 2000        2001        2002         2003

             January            1,241       2,081       2,009        1,806
             February           1,309       2,188       1,886        1,870
             March              1,422       2,111       1,921        1,757
             April              1,589       1,973       1,934
             May                1,693       2,114       1,698
             June               1,718       2,076       1,807
             July               1,852       1,958       1,874
             August             1,861       1,997       1,876
             September          1,901       2,029       1,771
             October            1,977       1,971       1,814
             November           2,022       1,978       1,817
             December           2,063       2,008       1,784

                                                             Exhibit 99.11

(Text of graphs posted to Ashland Inc.'s website APAC's monthly revenue and
                   twelve month rolling average revenue)

                         Lost Time Incident Rates
           (Rate = Lost Time Injuries x 200,000 / Hours Worked)

                             APAC      Industry

                 1995         0.3         4.5
                 1996         0.3         4.1
                 1997         0.3         4.0
                 1998         0.4         3.4
                 1999         0.4         3.8
                 2000         0.4         3.2
                 2001         0.1         4.0
                 2002         0.2         3.9

                          Recordable Incident Rates

                             APAC       Industry

                 1995         6.0         11.9
                 1996         5.8         10.7
                 1997         6.0         10.4
                 1998         6.0         9.6
                 1999         6.0         9.7
                 2000         5.1         9.3
                 2001         4.6         8.9
                 2002         4.3         8.2

                                                             Exhibit 99.12

(Text of graph posted to Ashland Inc.'s website concerning APAC's lost time
               incident and OSHA recordable incident rates)

                   APAC Monthly Revenue ($, millions)

                     2000        2001         2002        2003

January               133          88          113          99
February              134         151          161         126
March                 165         145          150         148
April                 237         206          216
May                   236         306          289
June                  229         234          251
July                  269         241          231
August                256         324          314
September             242         309          246
October               293         313          259
November              174         216          179
December              153         152          121

           APAC 12 Month Rolling Average ($, millions)

                     2000        2001         2002        2003

January               159         206          226         210
February              163         208          227         207
March                 169         206          227         207
April                 177         203          228
May                   182         209          226
June                  189         210          228
July                  199         207          227
August                202         213          226
September             209         219          221
October               216         220          216
November              217         224          213
December              210         224          211